Could The Cause Of Migraines Also Be The Solution To Them?
Written on Sept. 14th 2018
The Driving-Force Behind A Lot Of Migraines...
One of the most well-known causes of migraines, is a lack of cellular-oxygen.  

In fact, a lack of oxygen can be a massive trigger for migraineurs. 

It’s solely for this reason why some people often find themselves more likely to have an attack before or during rain & thunder storms

This is simply because there is a drop-in pressure, resulting in thinner air and less oxygen being absorbed by the lungs. 

This is a very common issue for most migraineurs, and this is why a lot of people with (Migraines, Cluster-headaches, etc.) are often treated with oxygen therapy.

Studies have shown that around 50% or more of patients who under-go oxygen therapy, will in fact, experience some form of relief from their chronic head-pain! 

Unfortunately, it is VERY difficult to take part in oxygen therapy, because most doctors rarely prescribe it and it can be VERY expensive treatment, around $300 per hour. 

We personally don't even understand why it's such a hassle for some of us, to do something as simple as get more oxygen into our system... 

However, we've discovered a simple and cost effective way to get around this issue without the need of a physicians "permission", or ever needing to "buy oxygen"!
We’ll get back to this in just a moment.

Here is an very interesting quote, straight from the #1 most used medical-textbook: 

” All chronic pain, suffering, and diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen at the cell level.”- Arthur C. Guyton, MD ("The Textbook of Medical Physiology" - Written by Arthur Guyton, MD) 

Now, wouldn’t this also include migraines? 

In fact; The ONLY reason why we need oxygen, is so that our cells can receive it and use it for energy. (I.e: Brain function, Muscle contraction, Nerve signaling, Heart-beats, etc.) 

When your cells are not receiving proper amounts of oxygen, disease and pain similar to the symptoms of neuropathy may start occurring! 

However, something that most people don't realize... 

Is that, just because you're inhaling oxygen, does not mean that all of your cells are receiving it like they're supposed to! 

This is solely the result of a "Cultural Epidemic" that is currently happening to almost everyone and it’s directly caused by the food that we eat… 

Yes! Something so simple as the food that we eat, can massively hinder the amount of oxygen that our cells receive, and cause damage and pain in your body!… 

No, this is not going to be a lecture on "healthy eating" or "dieting"... 

This article is going to show you what is actually happening inside of our bodies everyday, the real damage that is happening to us, and how we can fix it!... and we're not just talking about migraines, but almost every other disease you can think of!

If you currently suffer from migraines or know someone who does, they usually have other ailments that go hand-in-hand with them.

So, if you're a person who doesn't like to expand their knowledge, and actually learn what could be damaging your health, as well as potentially causing your migraines

Then please turn away and return back to FB with political rants, animal pics and of course food photos, because this article is not for you... 

However, if you ARE the kind of person that is looking for answers, are frustrated with a lack of progress in reducing your migraines or prescriptions that aren't working, then keep reading, because you're in the right place! 

Most of us know that a majority of the food nowadays, is very different than it was 40-50+ years ago. 

However, most of us really have no idea of the changes that take place in our bodies when consuming this food and how it could be playing a huge role in migraines!… 

We’ll get back to that in just a minute, but this is exactly why we created this article, to explain to you what is ACTUALLY happening to each and everyone of us on a daily basis, so that we can make an informed decision and a difference in our health... 

But before we do that though, we need to lay a quick foundation as to how our body works so that we can fully grasp and understand our situation. 

Some of this you may already know, but stay with me for a minute, as some us may not… 

Regardless, lets jump right into it!... 

In a percentage of migraineurs, the cells themselves are Incapable of absorbing oxygen, in the way that they’re supposed to even if you were able to get an O2 prescription.

This rarely has anything to do with genetics either, it’s something that we can control & fix quite easily! 

It's All About Your Cells!

As humans, we are quite literally, a huge bundle of cells! 

(100+ Trillion cells to be exact, more or less depending on the size of your body.) 

All of these cells make-up everything that is YOU, and everything that you are… 

Everything from your neurons, all the way down to your each one of your bones, fingertips & hair follicles… 

We start out as one single-cell (egg) in the womb, and we eventually grow into these 100+ trillion cells! 

Now, here’s the really important part. 

Every single-one of your cells has a membrane that surrounds and protects it, from the  neighboring environments and other cells. 

This membrane is one of the most vital parts of our body, because it allows oxygen and other nutrients into the cell for fuel, as well as disposing the toxic by-products that are created within the cell! 

So you can have as much oxygen as you want in your blood-stream, but if your cell membranes can't allow that oxygen in, then you're out of luck...

This membrane is what's called a “phospholipid-bilayer”.   (Fos·Fo·Lip·Id - Bye·Layer) 

(Very simply, it is a double-layered wall that is comprised of Lipids and Proteins). 

Now if you don't know what a "lipid" is, it's just a broad-term for something that does NOT mix well with water. (Oil, Fat, Wax, Etc.) (Also known as a non-polar molecule)

Almost anything "Free Floating" in our body utilizes a lipid-layer, because our body is mostly water & most lipids do not mix well with water, which is a perfect "barrier" for our cells! 

If any cell is without a lipid-layer, or if the layer is damaged, the cell will die and die rather quickly. 

This goes for every-single one of your cells, and especially your brain cells...  

Since we're a big-bundle of cells, you can understand how important these membranes are for our health & quality life

Actually, without this lipid-membrane, our brain-cells would be unable to send electrical-impulses, which means that you can’t recall memories or process new information. 

Notice the epidemic of dementia Alzheimer's in recent years? And, it's affected younger and younger age groups. 

To add onto this, inside each of our cells (except red-blood cells) there is at least one mitochondria and many contain multiple mitochondria! 

(You Can Look at the Diagram Below for A Visual Representation) 

These mitochondria also have their own lipid-membrane, and are vital to your body, because they are responsible for using the oxygen and creating cellular-energy (ATP). 

This energy is what allows us to do almost anything, and mitochondria make about 90% of it happen! 

(Energy For Brain Function, Muscle Activation, Breathing, Speaking, Everything we do...) 

The brain consumes the most (ATP) energy out of almost any organ in the body! 

Going forward, you now have an understanding of the importance of cell membranes & lipids, because they protect our cells and they allow oxygen in-to the cell for vital-energy to be created and allow the toxins that are a byproduct(s) out.

Note, the majority of these lipids must come from the oils & fats that we consume through our food on a daily basis

Most cell-membranes are around 25-33% “Fatty Acids” (FAs for short)

There are different types of Fatty Acids, but only 2 of them are considered “Essential", because the body cannot make them on its own! 

(Essential Fatty Acids, or EFAs for short.) 

There are around 20+ different FAs and all of them can be made by the body, except for the 2 most important (essential) one's. (EFAs) 

You can only get these 2 EFAs from eating foods that contain them! 

Your body needs these fatty acids on a daily-basis, because they allow for proper cell-membrane structure, so that we can have healthy cells that absorb oxygen & create plenty of energy. 

All of the other fatty acids that you have probably heard about, like the ones in fish oil (EPA, DHA, etc.) are actually derivatives that come from these 2 specific EFAs. 

(Derivatives meaning; the body makes these from these 2 EFAs, when and if the body needs them. 

In fact, using High-spectrum "Chromatography" the amount converted into derivatives is less than a mere 5%, and in some areas of the body and less than ~1% in others

(So the body must have these two essential fatty acids daily and then it can convert into derivatives if they're needed, which is only a very-small amount!) 

I know, I sound like a broken record, but this is where most confusion happens, and its absolutely crucial to understand... but in reality it's really, really simple.

These 2-Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are; 
"Linoleic Acid (LA)", Parent-Form Omega-6 & "Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA)" Parent-Form Omega-3.  

It's extremely important to take note of the word "Parent" being used here, because these are the "Parent Forms" of all the other Fatty Acids. 

Now, lots of people take "Omega Fatty-Acid Supplements" but most people are not told, that there are different types of Omega 3 & 6 (A "Family" if you will), and that the QUALITY of the fatty-acids can be amazing for your health or totally wreak havoc... 

This is something that everyone needs to know... 

(In the diagram below, you can see the different Fatty-Acids in Omega 6 & 3, in-order, starting with the parent-forms.)  

The most common miss-conception that we see, is with the “Omega-3” in fish & krill oil. 

As you can see from the right-side of the diagram;
the two main fatty acids commonly found in fish & krill oil are "DHA"& "EPA", which are derivatives and are NOT essential. 

Fish oil is one of the most popular supplement's in the world. If you don't take it, odds are you know someone who does and it's all 100% marketing and a way to get rid of a lot of spoiled fish!

In addition, the fish-oil supplements, are horrible for our health and lipid-membranes. 

The reason why (in the shortest version possible), is because these oils are made by taking old fish, cooking it, separating the oil from the "fish bits", homogenizing it so it doesn't separate and then finally, sell it to the consumer. 

It’s "Snake-oil" at its finest, people! 

Plus, these derivatives are very-harmful for our body in the high-doses that are commonly recommended! 

(The average recommended dose being almost over 15-20x the amount that your body actually needs on a daily basis!) 

Having an "Overdose" of derivative Fatty Acids can cause issues within the cell & mitochondrial membranes, which can massively hinder oxygen-consumption and lower the energy output. 

But the fish oil companies still make billions of dollars a year and spend millions of dollars marketing it, and based on this information we believe that it’s safe!

Plus, the “fish burps” aren’t too enjoyable either… 

So, it's WAY more important to supply our bodies with the Parents, rather than their derivatives (i.e: fish oil), because the body will make the derivatives if it needs it! 

This is also true since everyone’s biological needs are different. 

This is very simple, but only a small percentage of people actually understand this, because this knowledge is very-hard to come across. 

But luckily, you found this information and now are part of that small & educated group of people! 

Now, as your cells are dying every day and new ones are being created to replace the old ones you need the correct building materials in which to do it.

Your body is constantly taking these "building materials" that you give it through the foods that you consume, to create those new cells! 

I mean, "You are what you eat", right? 

Exactly...and like we mentioned earlier, the biggest issue is the food that we eat. Even though we try and eat healthy it appears it is just not enough. 

Now, equipped with the knowledge above, and understanding how our body takes these lipids through the food we eat daily, to construct our cells & their membranes, which are the  building blocks of our body, we’re ready to address the migraine issue "head on" and finally understand what is happening to us...  

After all, that's why you're here, right? 

It's All Going Downhill and Food Processing & Manufacturing are to Blame!

In this current day and age,
one-thing is very prevalent in our society. 

*Especially in the United States* 

Most of the food that we consume has been processed beyond belief in order to achieve a longer “Shelf-Life”, so that the food companies can save money and prevent food spoilage!! 

This is nothing new to us, but let me ask you a question... 

How do you keep food from spoiling & rotting?  

You try to expose it to as little air (oxygen) as possible, and/or you refrigerate it. 


If you think about it, when you take a bite out of a piece of fruit and place it on the counter, it will start oxidizing and spoiling within a few hours…correct? 

Vacuum-packaging and refrigeration is "too expensive" for food companies. 

So, what’s an easy way of making the food last longer? 

They make the food oxygen resistant, so that it doesn’t oxidize to begin with!! 

This is commonly done through the process of “Hydrogenation” of the cooking-oils! 

This changes their molecular-structure and makes the oils less likely to oxidize and go rancid. 

This is commonly done with a majority of "Vegetable Oils" on the market. 

Sunflower, Olive, Canola, Grape-seed, Peanut, Soybean, it goes on forever... 

These cooking oils are all Linoleic Acid or Parent Omega 6. Food processors never use omega-3 fats, as these fats are far too oxygen reactive.  Most Parent omega-3 in foods is not adulterated

This is where your “Partially or Fully-Hydrogenated” ingredients come from, that you read on the back of your food labels! 

Even if they don't hydrogenate the oils, they also tend to mix-in preservatives to preserve it & maintain its "Freshness", which also kills the nutritional value... 

That's why when you walk down the aisle in the grocery store every one of those oils are dead. Otherwise, when you opened the bottle they would be rancid.

It was published in the medical journals decades ago, that consuming these processed & hydrogenated oils can cause a laundry-list of nasty health-issues, including things like cancer and heart disease, but it's been allowed it to happen anyways... 

Remember when they told us to stop with the butter, eat the margarine. Guess what? It's one molecule from plastic. Open the container stick it in the garage and a year later nothing has touched the same time but some cooked butter and your dog or cat loves it. 

So when you consume it what's happening? You're building your body out of plastic. This same margarine/crisco is what is used in baking and those foods we eat daily.

So we’ve come this far, and now it’s finally time to tie this all together! 

The problem lays here...

We’ve covered that a lot of migraine issues can be pin-pointed back to low-oxygen levels, and that lots of chronic head-pain sufferers are treated with oxygen therapy. 

We’ve also covered that we as humans are basically a big, walking, bundle of cells. 

That EVERY cell has a lipid-membrane that is composed of around 1/4 to 1/3 fatty acids. 

These membranes are supposed to allow oxygen into the cell for fuel and toxins out, as well as assist in basic nerve & brain function. 

We've covered that all fatty acids are NOT the same, and that the body can create every fatty-acid that it needs, from just 2-specific Parent Essential fatty acids

These 2 specific Parent EFA's can ONLY come from the oils & fats that you consume through food ON A DAILY BASIS, because the body CANNOT make them on its own! 

So, what happens once you start to consume Oils and Fats, that have Fatty Acids that have been chemically engineered to RESIST oxygen

Your cell membranes NOW are comprised of OXYGEN RESISTANT MATERIALS (adulterated fatty acids)!! 

The membranes that are SUPPOSED to allow oxygen in-to the cells, are now made out of oxygen resistant lipids! 

This lowers energy out-put or totally stops it, which makes us feel fatigued and can cause us pain, or worst can begin to die off rapidly. It also leads to inflammation but that's for another day! 

Slowly over time, your trillions of cells will become surrounded by oxygen resistant lipids, if they aren't already… 

We believe that it's safe to say that a potential cause, as well as a solution for migraines is in the quality of the lipids that we consume through our food every-day! 

The human brain is composed of nearly 60% lipids! 

So, it’s easy to piece-the-puzzle together that the CELLS are not receiving the amount of oxygen needed to create energy, because of their lipid-membrane structure! 

This drastically effects brain-function & cognitive ability!

(This also sounds like the potential cause of many other brain-impairment issues, but that's for another day...) 

So with oxygen-therapy, people are trying to get more oxygen, but the structure of our cells is what's hindering the oxygen absorption! Even if you received oxygen therapy, with resistant cells the O2 will never get in.

Now, If we can replace the bad-lipids with good high-quality ones, your cells will start absorbing more oxygen without needing to in-take higher-levels of oxygen. 

Migraineurs have been doing this for years, with LOTS of them achieving pleasing results, and the best part is, you do NOT need a doctor or a prescription for this!... 

You can make your OWN decision!

We're able to change the quality of our lipids VERY-easily, and it leads us to this… 

How do you increase the brain’s oxygen levels to help combat migraine attacks?

The main and most important way to combat the lowered oxygen levels in the cells is to replace the “Bad oils/Fatty Acids/Lipids” in the cell membrane with the PROPER high-quality, oxygen absorbing lipids. 

When ingested, these proper lipids begin to replace the un-healthy oxygen resistant lipids in our cell membranes. The human body is very intelligent and knows the difference.

But now the real question is, how and where do you find “Healthy” and “Oxygen-Absorbing” lipids? 

Well, you could try eating a raw, all-natural and organic diet which includes lots and lots of nuts.  

But that type of lifestyle can be very time consuming, costly and quite the struggle... and you might get tired of nuts. 

This is especially true for those who suffer from migraines & cluster-headaches, with how much less-often some can get out & go to the store... 

With all of these factors taken into account, we’ve found that the easiest & most cost-effective way to obtain healthy and proper lipids is through supplementation. 

It’s very hard to find a product with the quality, that is needed for our body. 

But there’s a supplement that's going around in the migraine-community that has been receiving a lot of attention lately for its positive-results & the science that backs it up! 

What makes this product stand out from everything else, is that this product has been granted a United States Patent, PROVEN to increase cellular oxygen levels, WITHOUT the need of supplemented oxygen!! 

Meaning that now, no one has to hassle their doctor in order to try oxygen therapy, and if someone still wishes to try oxygen-therapy, this can make it much more effective

This supplement is called "Parent Essential Oils" (or PEOs for short). 

"Essential oils", not to be confused with "Essential (essence)" oils, 
like the kinds that give off "aroma" and go into scent-diffusers. 

With this product having a United States Patent, this means that you can’t find anything like it, anywhere else! 

These PEOs supply the two high-quality, oxygen absorbing EFAs that your body NEEDS on a daily basis to allow for proper cell & mitochondrial membrane structure, and energy-creation! 

These EFAs or as we call them now (PEOs) are 100% ALL-ORGANIC, non-hydrogenated & unadulterated, plant-seed oils. 

These plant-seeds are cold-pressed and are NEVER exposed to heat, in order to achieve the highest-quality Essential Fatty Acids for our bodies! 

These oils are non-GMO, Gluten-Free & are proudly made in a GMP certified facility in the USA! 

The high-quality EFAs in this product have been scientifically PROVEN to increase cellular-oxygen levels within the body, without the need of supplemented oxygen. 

Simply because, the fatty-acids in these oils allow for proper cell-membrane structure
and allow our cells to absorb oxygen properly and in the most effective manner. 

These oils have been successfully used in the treatment of migraines for the past 6-years years by physicians including one of the largest pain management centers in North America. 

The company gives you a full 90-day money-back guarantee to decide whether or not if you find success with the product, so there isn't much to lose! 

You can click the button below to view & purchase their product!
PEOs Also Support
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